Hunger games
Come 3pm, it’s likely you have already started reaping the rewards. Vegans tend to have lower blood-sugar levels and a lower risk of type-2 diabetes. Plus, plant protein is linked with improved insulin regulation, meaning you’re less likely to reach for the biscuit tin for a mid afternoon boost.
B wise
Be aware that some nutrients are harder to come by on a vegan diet, such as vitamin B12. It isn’t produced by plants, so the Vegan Society recommends taking a 10mcg supplement daily. Alternatively, get it via fortified cereals and alternative milk products, including soya and almond.
Gut feeling
Without meat and fish, you’ll probably be chowing down on much more fibre than the average omnivore and your stomach will thank you for it. Your gut microbes’ favourite nutrient is dietary fibre, which plant-based foods are packed with. A diet rich in these has been shown to keep weight in check and boost your mood too.
Shelf life
Loading up on fruit and vegetables will sustain you in the long term, cutting your risk of heart disease by up to 42%. Multiple studies show that vegan diets are also more effective than typical Western ones at lowering cholesterol levels. There’s even evidence to suggest a plant-based diet could help ease arthritis.
Green gains
Building muscle? Vitamin D helps to regulate calcium in the body – a lack of both can lead to issues with bone density and muscle weakness. This can be a risk if you’re cutting out dairy. Regardless of your training goals, make sure you’re getting enough of these nutrients – from pulses, dried fruit and fortified alternative milks.