Eat up, without piling on the pounds. You can boost your fat burn by eating more of the good stuff and less of the bad.
That means you can forget calorie counting and focus on eating!
Fruit is nutritious, but it’s not always a dieter’s best friend. Some fruits are high in fructose, a sugar that can lead to weight gain. As a rule, munch on dark-coloured fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries as these are chock-full of antioxidants and fibre, and low in fructose.
Try this: Throw a handful of berries into a blender with a cup of almond milk and a scoop of whey protein for a healthy post-workout snack.
Supercharge snack time with nuts. Cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts and almonds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help control appetite and lower muffin top-inducing cortisol levels.
Try this: Nibble on a selection of raw mixed nuts with a chopped apple to keep you feeling full between meals.
Ridiculously low in calories, spinach is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Like other members of the dark green leafy family, this super-slimming veggie helps boost liver detoxification, cleansing your body of unwanted toxins, which is crucial for successful weight loss.
Try this: Add a handful of spinach to salads and drizzle with balsamic vinegar for a tasty meal.
Natural yoghurt is a great source of probiotics, which help keep belly fat at bay. This dairy delight is also high in protein, which is proven to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Avoid flavoured yoghurts, which are usually packed with artificial baddies – you can sweeten your snack with a teaspoon of good-quality honey instead.
Try this: A pot of natural yoghurt served with 2 teaspoons of mixed seeds and a drizzle of honey.
Eggs are cheap, packed with nutrients and high in protein, which fills you up without filling you out. Researchers found overweight and obese people who ate eggs for breakfast had lower levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin in their blood three hours after eating. Result!
Try this: A poached egg on wholegrain toast.
A speedy metabolism is a sure-fire route to weight loss success, and avocados have special powers to help perk up your body’s fat burning furnace. Often wrongly demonised in the dieting world, this amazing fruit is a wonderful source of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.
Try this: 2 tablespoons of guacamole served on two oatcakes.
When it comes to successful weight loss, salmon gets five stars. The fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body burn fat at a faster rate, and it’s a fabulous source of protein. It’s versatile too, and can be enjoyed steamed, baked or grilled.
Try this: Salmon with mixed salad leaves and roasted vegetables.
A vegetarian’s best friend, lentils are not only a great protein-based alternative to meat, they’re also jam-packed with the number one weight-loss boosting nutrient – fibre. Lentils also help regulate blood sugar levels and boost energy. And the good news is they’re easy to incorporate into your diet – they can be thrown into soups, salads, stews and curries for a fat-burning kick.
Try this: A bowl of lentil soup with a small wholegrain roll.
A steaming bowl of oats is the perfect way to start the day. Oats are loaded with fibre, which helps keep your digestive tract in tip-top shape and keeps you feeling full for hours. They’re also a great source of B vitamins, which help to regulate hormones.
Try this: 50g porridge made with almond milk and topped with 1tbsp flaxseed.
Green tea
OK, strictly speaking it’s not a food, but green tea is well known as a fat burner. This waist-trimming tea is crammed with antioxidants called catechins and just enough caffeine to give you a buzz without leaving you wired.
Try this: Add a squeeze of lemon to a cup of green tea to help boost liver detoxification.