We’ve long known that when it comes to resistance training it’s fatigue, not load, that generates change within the muscle.
We also know that maximising fatigue comes down to manipulating range of movement and repetition speed. New insights now clearly show that pulses are a great way to maximise fatigue when lifting light weights for higher repetitions.
Example 1 – Squats:
Full-range squats, as you’d expect, fire up all the global muscles that drive your body away from the ground. This highlights how full-range squats are great for working the glute max, rectus femoris and the hamstrings.
With squat pulses there is a more isolated activation of the quadriceps muscles closer to the knee. The activation of these muscles is key for stabilisation.
Example 2 – Chest Press:
Full-range chest presses result in activation of the key push pattern muscle groups, the pec major and anterior deltoid. As soon as a pulse action is introduced there is a significant increase in the activation of lat dorsi, again acting as a stabiliser.
In Summary
These findings highlight how combining pulses with full-range exercises changes activation patterns and allows you to engage all the key target muscles. This is the secret to maximising fatigue and driving muscle change