Get the sleep you need
Salmon, like halibut and tuna, is packed with vitamin B6, which is needed to make the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Also try: kale, bananas, whole grains, peanuts, soya beans.
Stop stress
Carbs help the brain make serotonin – a chemical responsible for maintaining mood balance. Opt for complex carbs, such as oats, as these won’t add to your stress-induced blood sugar spike like refined carbs do. Also try: blueberries, dark chocolate.
Alleviate anxiety
The high levels of vitamin C in oranges will lower blood pressure, as well as suppressing presence of the stress hormone cortisol in your system. Also try: asparagus, milk, turkey.
Lift a low mood
Curcumin, found in turmeric, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it an antidote to wear and tear, and a mood booster. Also try: lentils, crab, Brazil nuts.
Boost energy
Spinach leaves are high in magnesium and iron, both key in energy production. Squeeze over lemon juice to help absorb the iron. Also try: pumpkin seeds, sweet potato, almonds.
Chill out
Adding chilli to your meal could help curb your anger and put you in a better mood. Your body reacts to the chemical capsaicin – which makes chillies hot – by releasing endorphins, helping you to cool down. Also try: kiwis, barley, peanuts.