Tag Archives: Benefits

August 29, 2014



In the last blog, I discussed the many benefits exercise has on both our minds and bodies – increased immunity, a healthier heart, stronger lungs and cutting the risk of diabetes – to name but a few.

After just a couple of months of regular exercise, a number of other benefits can also be seen.

Within a Few Months of Regular Exercise…
You’re getting stronger.
Those eight-pound weights don’t feel quite as heavy, because your muscular endurance is starting to increase. Ten reps is no longer a struggle; you can now do 12 or 13.
You’re blasting belly fat. After four weeks of regular workouts, your body is ditching flab and gaining muscle.
You’ve got more brainpower. Working out activates growth-stimulating proteins in the brain that may help form new cells there.

Within One Year of Regular Exercise…
Working out is way easier. Your endurance and aerobic fitness can increase by up to 25 percent after eight to 12 weeks of regular training. In a year your endurance can more than double.
Your heart rate is lower. Thanks to regular workouts, your heart is pumping more efficiently. For instance, if your initial resting heart rate was 80 beats a minute, it will have dropped to 70 or lower. The less work your heart has to do, the healthier you’ll be.
You’re a fat-melting machine. Your cells are now superefficient at breaking down fat and using it as fuel, Olson says. That means you’re zapping more flab 24-7.
You’ve cut your cancer risk. In a study of more than 14,800 women, those who had the highest levels of aerobic fitness were 55 percent less likely to die from breast cancer than those who were sedentary. Women considered moderately fit had about a 33 percent lower risk of developing the disease. Exercise may also help protect against endometrial, lung, and ovarian cancer, researchers say.
You’re adding years to your life. Fitness buffs have better telomeres, the DNA that bookends our chromosomes and protects them from damage, which can slow the aging process, studies show.
You feel fantastic. Just four months of exercise is as good as prescription meds at boosting mood and reducing depression. Keep it up and not only will your life be longer, it will be happier, too!

August 22, 2014



The moment you head out on your run, launch into your Spinning class, or start your Pilates session, the benefits of exercise kick in.

Your heart rate increases, and blood is delivered to your muscles. You start burning calories for fuel. And you get an almost immediate mood boost.

As little as 30 minutes of cardio three to five days a week will add six years to your life, according to research in America. Do that plus a couple of days of resistance training and you’ll not only live longer but also look younger, feel happier, have more energy, and stay slim. Ready for some inspiration for getting your move on? Then read on.

As You Work Out…
Your lungs are getting stronger.
When you do cardio, your brain sends signals to them to help you breathe faster and deeper, delivering extra oxygen to your muscles.
Your motivation is at its peak. Thanks to a flood of endorphins, which trigger the classic runner’s high, you feel psyched and energized.
You’re fighting flab. During typical cardio exercise, your body taps mainly fat for fuel.

Within One Hour of Exercise…
You’re protecting yourself against colds, flu, you name it.
Exercise elevates your level of immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help bolster your immune system and ward off infection. Every sweat session you do can help strengthen your immune function for about 24 hours.
You’re feeling zen. Mood-enhancing chemicals, like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, flood your brain for a couple of hours post-exercise and for up to a day if you’ve competed in an endurance event, like a marathon.
You’re blasting calories, even at rest. For every 100 calories you burn during your workout, you can expect to burn 15 calories after. If you went on a three-mile run, you would torch about 300 calories, which could mean zapping an extra 45 later.
You’re hungry. Now that you’ve burned through your energy stores, your blood sugar levels are dropping. Just how low they go depends on how much you ate or drank before your workout and how long and intensely you exercised.

Within One Day of Exercise…
You’re adding lean muscle
. If you did a strength-training routine, your muscles are now starting to rebuild themselves and repair the microscopic tears that come with lifting weights. Preliminary research shows that women respond to and recover from resistance training faster than men.
Your heart is healthier. One sweat session lowers your blood pressure for up to 16 hours.
You’re a quick study. You’re super alert and focused post-exercise. That’s because a good workout increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain.

Within One Week of Regular Exercise…
Your risk of diabetes goes down. The more you work out, the greater your sensitivity to insulin. That, in turn, lowers your blood sugar levels, reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes.
You’re slimmer. Cutting 500 calories a day through exercise and diet will help you drop one pound a week.

Check out my next blog to find out the many long-term benefits exercise brings.