Category Archives: Mental health

May 20, 2013


Exercise is guaranteed to boost your energy levels, whatever your mood.

Research shows that just a brief workout can provide you with an instant pick-me-up when your mood is low.

It works on a cellular level: exercise fires up your mitrochondria – the energy-producing component of your cells – and sends oxygen around your body to meet the demands of your activity, keeping you on a high even after your workout.

Include a workout into your routine to leave you feeling more fresh and ready for the day.

May 13, 2013



Did you know that a simple jog could inspire you?

Research has shown that aerobic exercise can help to boost your creativity and keeps it firing for up to two hours after too.

So, if you’re in need of a light-bulb moment, put on those trainers and get out there!

February 20, 2013


I could write a long list of all the benefits exercise gives us, but one that is maybe most overlooked, yet probably relates to 99% of us, is it’s ability to relieve stress.

Physical activity helps to use up the excess energy produced by the stress response. In fight-or-flight mode, the body is ready for intense physical activity.

By exercising, the stress response runs its course, and the body returns to a physiological normal.

Even if you don’t feel like exercising, push yourself to do something, however light. It will do wonders for your mental state and help to make you feel much more positive.

TOP TIP: Work out with a friend or partner. It’s a great way to get healthy, whilst have fun too!

January 13, 2013


Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for your physical health, helping to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes.

More recently, studies have shown that regular physical activity can have major benefits for your mental health too. Exercise can help people recover from depression and prevent them from becoming depressed in the first place.

Exercise should be something that you enjoy. if not you will find it hard to find the motivation to do it regularly. Even a 15 minute walk can help you clear your mind and relax. Any exercise is better than none.

Anyone with depression can benefit from doing regular exercise, but it’s especially useful for people with mild depression.

If you’ve been feeling down for more than two weeks, see your GP to discuss your symptoms. They can tell you about the choice of treatment available for depression and help you decide what’s best for you.