Category Archives: Food Waste

June 1, 2020


The economy of food

By choosing Fairtrade where possible, we can help to make a positive contribution to the world when we buy food. 

It’s a widely supported idea that poverty in developing countries can be overcome by supporting small-scale farming and businesses. 

The more Fairtrade we buy, the more we can help people to move from poverty to sustainability and independence. Of course not everyone is able to make the most ethical, environmental, and health conscious choices when buying food. Health food, especially organic products, can have a hefty price tag.

In most cases, though, there are good budget options that are just a little less hip. And the most essential healthy foods are cheap – kale, spinach, whole grains, beans, and lentils, for example.

Careful food planning and prepping can save you money and reduce waste. Cooking from scratch is also great for keeping within a tight budget.

February 18, 2019


Food wastage is a global problem of epic proportions – but there are things we can do collectively, and as individuals, to reverse this terrible trend.

What can we do to reduce food waste?

  • Buy less, use what you buy, and get creative with your leftovers.
  • Fresh is not always best; frozen food products often retain more nutrients than fresh items, especially “fresh” food that has been shipped from the other side of the world.
  • Avoid deals that encourage you to buy more than you need.
  • Remember what tends to go off before you eat it; a whole lettuce on its stem, for instance, is likely to last longer than a bag of leafy greens.
  • Learn to love and seek out imperfect fruit and vegetables – cut and quartered, you won’t know the difference.
  • Brush up on your storage know-how; why you should keep your bananas out of the fruit bowl, why you shouldn’t store your spuds with the onions, etc.