Category Archives: Diet

July 15, 2016



Bust a headache
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a traditional remedy for headaches – especially migraines, because it can also help nausea. Grate about a teaspoon of fresh ginger, pour boiling water over it, leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then drink.

June 24, 2016


salt shaker

It has been revealed that the average salt consumption by adults has dropped by almost 1g in the last decade. This is an encouraging result, as high levels of salt can cause blood pressure to rise, which in turn can increase the possibility of strokes and other health issues.

However, despite this good news, adults are still eating about 8g per day which is over the recommended amount of 6g for good health. Most of the salt being consumed is in the foods we buy, and the reduction may be as a result of pressure on the industry to minimise salt levels.

How can you reduce your salt intake?

  • Compare the labels on packaging, you’ll be surprised at how much salt you can cut this way
  • Go for reduced salt meats, such as unsmoked back bacon. Cured meats and fish tend to be high in salt content, so buy these less often.
  • Buy tinned vegetables without added salt
  • Tomato based sauces are often lower in salt than ready-made pasta sauces
  • Eat healthier snacks as opposed to crisps or crackers, or check the labels to choose those lowest in salt.
May 20, 2016



It is likely that you are throwing away the most nutritional parts of certain foods. Take a look at the list below to see how you can put the ‘waste’ to good use.

  • Broccoli Stalks
    Rich in antioxidants, the stem contains more digestion-bossting fibre than the florets. Use in juices and soups, or grate over salads.
  • Sprouted garlic
    When garlic sprouts a green shoot, it contains five times the antioxidants of fresh, lowering the risk of heart disease still further.
  • Orange and lemon peel
    The skin contains more flavonoid phytochemicals – linked to better brain health – than the fruit itself. Grate unwaxed zest into salad dressings or to flavour natural yogurt.
  • Strawberry tops
    Strawberry leaves contain more antioxidants than the fruit. These slow down cell damage linked to wrinkles. Blitz a few into your smoothie.
  • Celery greens
    Higher in vitamins than the fibrous stalks, celery leaves are a good source of immunity-boosting vitamin E. Juice like any other green or add to stocks/soups.
  • Pineapple core
    Tough pineapple cores contain twice as much bromelain – an enzyme with pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties – as the flesh. Slice thinly and bake on a low heat to make pineapple crisps.
April 22, 2016



We all know turmeric as a curry spice, giving the dish it’s vibrant colour. But did you know it also has some serious health benefits?

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory, lowering the levels of enzymes in the body that cause pain and swelling. It’s often used to help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and ulcerative colitis. It may also help to ease the effects of chronic conditions with low levels of inflammation, such as Alzheimer’s.

The spice also works as an anticoagulant, slowing and stopping blood platelets from grouping together to form clots, thereby contributing to lowering the risk of blood clots.

It’s high antioxidant levels also fight the effects of free radicals in the body, making it helpful in lowering the risk of certain cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.

March 25, 2016



With a 25% rise in sales last year, what has got everyone obsessed with the humble avocado?

  • Healthy heart – rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids that can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
  • High in soluble and insoluble fibre – helping keep the blood cholesterol levels low and your digestive system healthy. Also, high potassium levels help with regulating blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Full of vitamins – a high concentration of vitamin E for healthy skin, vitamin A for a strong immune system and vitamin K for blood-healing functions.
  • An antioxidant punch – high levels of phenol essential for counteracting the effects of free radicals.
February 24, 2016



Two big food trends set for this year are:

Coconut Flour
Gluten free and high in protein – 100g has 38% of your RDA – it’s ideal for vegans and veggies needing to increase their intake.

Medjool Dates
As sugar fell out of favour in 2015, naturally sweet snacking alternatives soared in popularity, including medjool dates. Sales rose by 16% at Waitrose.

January 22, 2016



The newest diet trend actually allows you eat some of your favourite foods – dark chocolate included! The sirtfood plan is all about what you should include and add to your meals.

What are sirtfoods?

  • They’re foods that are high in substances called sirtuin activators. There are seven types of sirtuin in the body.
  • Sirtuins can help you shift weight because they fire up pathways in the body that help boost your metabolism.
  • These pathways help you torch fat and boost muscle. They’re normally activated by exercising and by fasting (i.e. the basis of the 5:2 diet).
  • A sirtfood diet mimics the effects of fasting or vigorous exercise. Packing your diet with sirtfoods basically tricks your body into sparking up your metabolism.

There are other health benefits to adding sirtuins to your diet, beyond just losing weight. A diet high in sirtuins reduces cell inflammation – a key cause of type 2 diabetes – heart disease and even dementia. As sirtfoods are known to help protect cells from dying, eating lots of them can also have powerful anti-ageing benefits.

What foods should I be eating?

This top 10 list shows the foods most rich in sirtuin activators:

  1. Green tea
  2. Kale
  3. Dark chocolate
  4. Red wine
  5. Turmeric
  6. Parsley
  7. Onions
  8. Olives & olive oil
  9. Pomegranate
  10. Soy beans & tofu
January 11, 2016



  • Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is good for the prostate and building the immune system.
  • They also contain fatty acids that kill parasites.
  • Raw pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids and beneficial proteins.
  • For maximum nutritional benefits, seeds should be eaten raw.
January 1, 2016



Happy New Year! Feeling bloated and ready for a detox? Try these low calorie snacks to help you on the road to recovery.

These nutritious snack ideas are a great way to get you back into healthy eating after the inevitable Christmas indulgence. Add these snacks into a healthy diet, will help you to feel full in between meals while you’re trying to lose weight.

Eating frequently throughout the day keeps your metabolism stoked and your hunger from getting out of hand (which can lead to overeating). These snacks under 100 calories are healthy, satisfying, and they wont derail your diet.

1. 1 medium orange (60 calories), 1 piece dark chocolate (35)
These 2 are a powerhouse of antioxidants; plus, you get to eat chocolate!

2. ½ apple (40), ½ banana (50)
Slice these two delicious fruits up together to make a mini fruit salad that makes for a satisfying option that’s full of fibre and vitamins. Sprinkle a little metabolism boosting cinnamon on top if you want more flavour.

3. 1 medium red bell pepper (40), 2 tablespoons hummus (50)
Slice up your bell pepper and enjoy this colourful treat guilt free.

4. 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (60), 6 large strawberries (36)
With this you get a healthy serving of digestive-friendly probiotics and calcium from the yogurt and antioxidants and fibre from the berries.

5. 3 level teaspoons peanut butter (75), 2 large stalks of celery (20)
The celery makes for a satisfying ‘crunch’ and the fat and protein in the peanut butter will help you feel full longer.

6. 7 almonds (50), 1 kiwi (50)
The best low calorie snacks are the ones that provide a good balance of fats, proteins and carbs; this one is perfect.

7. 1 cup of almost any raw fruit or vegetable (100)
Almost all fruits and veggies are under 100 cals per cup, some of them are much less. Raw fruits and veggies are ideal options, reach for these whenever possible.

8. 1 ounce mozzarella cheese (70), 1 medium tomato (25)
Slice up a fresh tomato and enjoy a serving of skim mozzarella cheese for a healthy and nutritious snack.