Category Archives: Diet

March 1, 2021


We all know that a balance of both exercise and good nutrition are paramount to our physical well-being. But what effect do they each have on our mental health?

It may surprise you that our minds are not separate from what we consider to be the physiological elements of our being. The way we use and maintain on muscles, organs and digestive systems informs our emotional state.

In one study, scientists asked test subjects to snack on either crisps and chocolate or fresh fruit. Within 10 days, members of the junk food group were exhibiting greater symptoms of low mood and anxiety than the fruit eaters. High-sugar, high-fat foods can cause a flash of hormones in the brain is pleasure centres, which is followed by a crash. Common deficiencies can also contribute to poor mental health, such as those in vitamins B12, C, D and omega-3.

Your workouts, meanwhile, will give you both a short-term high and a long-term lift. As well as releasing endorphins, exercise also triggers the release of numerous brain-cell mediators, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, which light up the pleasure and reward centres of the brain.

Research shows that those who trained for just 2 and a half hours each week had a 31% lower risk of depression than those who didn’t. Exercise has been shown to be as effective as medication in reducing symptoms of moderate depression.

For many struggling with their mental well-being, getting outside and moving for half an hour each day will be easier than a total dietary overall.

The decider:

February 1, 2021


Whatever your ambitions for the year ahead, working out and eating well will always be sound strategies. But which is more effective? Here is a look at the benefits of each on your immune system.

Your immune system can be compromised by a range of factors, from age and obesity to smoking. But it can also be strengthened.

The effect of exercise on immunity is dependent on dosage. There is a theory that intense training – for a marathon, say, or CrossFit – temporarily suppresses the immune system, leading to an ‘open-window’ of heightened infection risk in the hours afterwards. However, recent research suggests that this only applies to pro athletes with six-hours-a-day schedules.

Research shows that a bout of moderate-effort exercise can help the immune system to sweep up pathogens. If your training is more professional, further studies show that increasing your intake of carbs and polyphenol-rich berries and veg can help to offset any damage.

Following a Mediterranean diet – rich in healthy fats and plant-based foods – will boost the microbiome diversity in your gut, while prebiotic foods promote the growth of healthy bacteria.

The decider:

January 1, 2021


For many, Christmas is a difficult time of year to keep to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Lack of time for exercise, meal prep and eating healthily can give way to exhaustion, unhealthy food and lifestyle choices.

If you’ve been treating yourself more and exercising less, this can often result in feelings of guilt, especially those of you who have recently started on your journey to better health.

Don’t despair! The key is to accept this and move on…

Try my Home Workouts: Total Core exercise guide to get you back on track. This simple guide provides easy-to-follow exercises which target all muscles of the core and help you to build strength and tone. Visit my shop page for further details.

In addition to this guide, it’s essential you introduce yourself back into your previous routine slowly. Don’t take away all treats, as you’ll feel deprived. Eat well balanced meals that include all three macronutrients – protein, complex carbohydrates and good fats.

Start to move more. This doesn’t mean you have to get straight back into training for your 10k run or head off to the next sweat-inducing spin class. Do the things that you enjoy, like taking a walk in your local park or dancing around the living room with your family.

The key is to be kind to yourself and move forward. And here’s to a happy and healthy 2021!

November 2, 2020


It’s the workhorse vitamin, reinforcing your bones, bolstering your immune system and easing harmful inflammation.

The latest evidence suggests that vitamin D may reduced respiratory infections, autoimmune diseases and even your risk of dying from cancer.

The NHS suggests that between March and September, you’re probably getting plenty from the sun – but after that, you’re at risk of deficiency.

If this is severe, you could develop symptoms such as muscle weakness, fragile bones and bone pain.

Aim to take 1000 IU (international units) each day. While 600 IU is enough to avoid deficiency, a little more may help you build up your blood level of vitamin D, so you can unlock its full disease-preventing potential.

Enzymes in your skin can convert UV rays into vitamin D, but the amount generated depends on your skin colour, where you live and the time of year. So, seek it out in food. Canned salmon (716 IU in a serving) and cooked trout (648 IU) will push you towards the goal. A portobello mushroom contains 316 IU, a glass of milk has 100 and an egg has about 40.

Prioritise these foods rich in vitamin D, as they also carry other disease-preventing benefits. However, taking a supplement will ensure you hit your IU target.

October 5, 2020


The best way to build immunity defense is with a healthy and nutritious diet. 50% of the food we consume in the Western World is processed, meaning somewhere down the line in its production, it has been chemically or mechanically altered. 

Consuming these foods regularly is a dietary regime that can lead to a whole host of health complications, not least making us more vulnerable to experiencing regular colds and flu. 

Many people are turning their focus towards more plant-based and whole-food diets that are far kinder to our bodies. 

If you are a Vegetarian or Vegan, note that many meat substitutes are in fact also processed food, so try and get your protein from more natural sources such as lentils, beans and oats. 

Try and also consume ingredients such as garlic, ginger and turmeric, all of which possess properties that can help the body’s immune system feel boosted and stronger, keeping you from getting ill.

September 4, 2020


There are three types of Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease where the pancreas produces very little insulin or no insulin at all. Type 2 diabetes is, largely a lifestyle disease, found mainly in adults as they get older. Gestation diabetes is developed by pregnant women and it usually goes away after birth. 

This suggests that type 2 diabetes can be both prevented and reversed. So what are the steps that can make sure we never suffer from it, or if we do, we manage to get out of its grip? In truth they are basic, but that’s what also makes them difficult, and they are just three: 

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Nutrition

While this is the usual formula of “exercise more and eat less” the reality is a lot more involved and a number of very recent studies have given us a lot of what we need to successfully unpack it. Diabetes type 2 can be controlled with drugs but these sometimes have unpleasant side-effects and the quality of life of the sufferer drops, anyway so it is worth exploring the alternatives. 

Exercise for diabetics

A 15-year long study that looked at two control groups, one using diet and exercise and the other medication found that the diet and exercise group fared by far the best, reducing the incidence of diabetes by almost a third, as opposed to just 18% in the group using medication. 

Beginners could start with brisk walks and vigorous swimming and then, as their physical conditioning improves, move on to slightly more demanding aerobic activity.

Resistance exercise should be undertaken at least twice weekly on non-consecutive days involving either moderate or vigorous workouts.

The study however found that combined aerobic and resistance training three times a week in individuals with type 2 diabetes may be of greater benefit to blood glucose control than either aerobic or resistance exercise alone. 

Diet for Diabetics

Diet can no more be divorced from effective diabetes type 2 prevention than it can from any other aspect of fitness and exercise. But that doesn’t mean restrictions. As a matter of fact restrictions, quite naturally, lead to over-indulging in other foods and also breaking the restrictions from time to time which means that overall health and weight goals are compromised. 

Studies have shown that high-fat diets affect insulin production in the body and increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes. So a reduction in fat intake is the first step. In addition to this, the latest studies have indicated that when diabetics eat vegetables and protein first and carbohydrates afterwards in their meal, glucose levels in the blood drop.

While more work needs to be done in this area, the suggestion is that the way foods are combined and the order in which they are consumed affects the chemical processes of the body in ways that can help those with diabetes type 2. 

When it comes to protein a recent study found that people who ate diets high in red meat, especially processed red meat, had a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than those who rarely ate red or processed meat, so protein quality does matter. 

As a matter of fact in what is definitely good news for those who suffer from diabetes and exercise, researchers discovered that whey protein, which is used by athletes and weightlifters to improve fitness, stimulates the production of a gut hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which boosts insulin.

From a dietary point of view then diabetes sufferers should: 

  • Reduce fat in their diets
  • Generally have diets that in the long term are low in fat and carbs
  • Eat vegetables and protein first in their meals and carbohydrates last
  • Make sure there is high quality protein in their diet and use whey as a means of boosting their protein intake

For diabetes type 2, in particular, there is the suggestion that a diet that is high in protein can reverse the disease and when combined with exercise it can potentially cure it. 

Nutrition for Diabetics

One of the problems with diabetes of all types is the fact that it damages nerve endings leading to reduced feedback, slowed responses and an impaired control over our body. The medical term for this is peripheral neuropathy and it can seriously affect the quality of life of diabetes sufferers. 

There is good news here too with studies showing that nerve damage can be reversed provided nutrition is improved to include: Alpha lipoic acid (which protects nerve cells from further damage and assists in the repair of damaged nerve cells), L-arginine, (to improve blood flow), Omega-3s and omega-6s (which also aid in nerve repair) and B vitamins (there is some evidence that taking a balanced B complex, helps with peripheral neuropathy). 

Having some extra virgin olive oil in the diet can help reverse a lot of the nerve damage and may also help combat type 2 diabetes directly. 

Summing up

Type 2 diabetes does not have to be a permanent condition but we do need to take active control of our lifestyle by making the right choices in terms of staying fit, losing some weight and eating foods that help our body stay healthier. The quality of protein we consume is also important particularly when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes or reducing its impact, when it is already present. 

The body is a complex chemical factory. When things go awry we can still work to improve its chances of rebalancing and recovering through our own actions. 

July 3, 2020


Mindful eating

Taking time to cook more ambitiously or to cook a meal slowly is a luxury that can be enjoyed on weekends, or to unwind during the week after a long, busy day.

Really investing in the preparing and cooking of a meal is an opportunity to ground yourself and truly be in the moment, taking care and paying attention to details. 

Washing and cutting ingredients, tasting and adjusting the balance of flavours, textures, and seasoning all require full attention. Cooking is one of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness. 

Take a moment to think about your food – where it came from, how it was grown, what it cost the earth to produce it – and appreciate what is given to you.

June 15, 2020


Making sure you eat three satisfying meals a day, with an optional two snacks, is crucial to warding off any food cravings in between meals. Have plenty of the following in your everyday diet, rather than taking supplements that may disrupt your nutritional balance.

Chromium – this regulate blood-sugar levels and is found in wholegrain cereals, black pepper, thyme, organic meat and cheese.

Magnesium – found in meats, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, beans, apricots, curry powder, wholegrain cereals, wheatgerm and nuts.

Iron – iron from red meat (especially liver) Is most easily used by the body; other good sources of fish and Sawyer, and you can get some from eggs and green leafy vegetables.

Zinc – rich sources are wholegrains, brewer’s yeast, wheatgerm, seafood and meat.

Tryptophan – milk and eggs contain plenty of this amino acid.

May 1, 2020


The natural choice

Many people choose to buy organic when possible, especially for soy products that are most likely genetically modified if they’re not organic. 

Genetically modified (GM) foods are possibly harmless for our health, and our history of eating this kind of food is relatively short, so it’s a gamble to eat lots of it. 

Another issue with GM foods is that these crops are threatening the natural diversity of original seeds. Farmers worldwide have reacted with despair at the dependency on global seed manufacturers who restrict the varieties of plants grown for food to a few favoured for their reliability, not quality.

Genetically modified foods are not the standard everywhere, of course, and several countries have placed restrictions on GM crops to protect the environment. Supporting small scale, organic farming is a good thing.

April 3, 2020


A plant-based diet

A vegetarian diet can seem extreme to some, but it’s a natural and nourishing way to eat. Many cultures around the world have a tradition of vegetarianism dating back thousands of years.

Science and health authorities are pretty much in agreement that the plant-based diet is the most vital way to eat. 

Today, more and more people are choosing a vegan lifestyle. As long as you eat with variety and make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need, you’re eating well.

Plant-based food is climate-smart to, using less energy and water than it takes to produce meat and fish.