March 13, 2013


Many of us automatically count the calories that we consume in order to help lose weight. However, although calorie intake does of course effect our weight management, along with calorie expenditure (i.e. exercise), it is not the key factor in long-term weight loss.

If your body doesn’t get the building blocks of nutrients it requires for good health, weight loss is more difficult as your body reacts by holding onto what it can get. Also, calories from good fats and protein help to turn off hunger signals to the brain, keeping you fuller for longer.

Many of the people I speak to tell me that they struggle with knowing how much of any food equates to one portion. Being armed with this information can really benefit any weight management programme. As a general rule, carbs should be the size of a fist and protein the size of your palm, while veg should fill the other half of your plate.

For more information on portion sizes and planning meals, check out the Love Food Hate Waste website.