Feeling tired even at just the thought of your next workout session? Here is a look at whether exercise or diet are more effective in boosting your energy.
Exercise triggers the release of invigorating neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine, while also boosting blood flow to the brain. In one study, 10 minutes simply walking up and down stairs proved a better booster shot then 50mg of caffeine.
Be wary of overdoing it, though. One major cause of fatigue is stress. When prolonged, this can cause a malfunction whereby your body is constantly pumping out excess cortisol. In this state, upping your exercise will only make your body more stressed.
A targeted diet is a more reliable energiser. For optimal mental and physical stamina, it is recommended a macro split of 30% protein, 30% fat and 40% carbs. Low-carb diets can cause a drop in energy. Include high-fibre foods such as wholegrains, beans, lentils and potatoes in every meal to drip-feed your body energy throughout the day.
In addition to this, make sure you’re getting enough magnesium (wholegrains, leafy greens), iodine (seafood, iodised salt), vitamin D (fatty fish, eggs) and B12 (red meat, shellfish).
The decider: