Strength training uses weight to build muscle tone that supports the joints. Whether you choose to work out at home or a gym, pay attention to technique.
Working out in front of a mirror can help. Try to commit to exercise at least three times a week. You can mix it up, though. It doesn’t all have to be weights-related.
There’s been a misconception that impact sports like running can weaken joints. However, they can have their place. Running, being a high impact, weight bearing exercise, helps maintain lower body and pelvic bone strength. It also helps keep the tendons and ligaments healthy by putting load through them, which in turn makes them stronger.
Sports like swimming, exercise classes, water aerobics, Pilates- based exercise, even off-road walking, are all low impact but contribute towards strengthening and mobility.
Other valuable activities include golf (for walking and shoulder joint strengthening), paddle boarding (core and shoulder strengthening), swimming (a great all-rounder) and cycling (knee strengthening).