February 18, 2019


Food wastage is a global problem of epic proportions – but there are things we can do collectively, and as individuals, to reverse this terrible trend.

What can we do to reduce food waste?

  • Buy less, use what you buy, and get creative with your leftovers.
  • Fresh is not always best; frozen food products often retain more nutrients than fresh items, especially “fresh” food that has been shipped from the other side of the world.
  • Avoid deals that encourage you to buy more than you need.
  • Remember what tends to go off before you eat it; a whole lettuce on its stem, for instance, is likely to last longer than a bag of leafy greens.
  • Learn to love and seek out imperfect fruit and vegetables – cut and quartered, you won’t know the difference.
  • Brush up on your storage know-how; why you should keep your bananas out of the fruit bowl, why you shouldn’t store your spuds with the onions, etc.