Yearly Archives: 2018

July 16, 2018


Lagom is the latest export from Sweden. But what does it mean and how can it help us to live a healthier lifestyle?

Lagom means ‘just the right amount’. It’s not about denying yourself things, it’s simply about considering them and making sure you don’t eat too much, or too little.

So if you’re typically a binge eater or exerciser, who then follows it by weeks of doing nothing, adopting a more balanced, Lagom lifestyle could work for you.

July 2, 2018


Form over speed
It is important to keep proper form during strength exercises or weight lifting to avoid injury. Shift your focus from the number of repetitions and make sure you have the correct form.

June 18, 2018


Research has shown that a single serving of 4 brazil nuts almost immediately improved cholesterol levels compared with people who ate no nuts at all.

Levels of LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol were 20 points lower just 9 hours after a meal containing brazil nuts. But beware, these nuts can be high in selenium, don’t regularly eat more than 1 or 2 on a daily basis.

June 4, 2018


Although this is a common belief, for most people there’s no evidence to suggest gluten does them harm.

People who eat gluten-free may feel better due to other changes in their diet. They often eat more veg and adopt a more varied diet.

Try switching up your carbs, rather than ban them completely. For example have oats for breakfast, have a sandwich for lunch then quinoa or rice for dinner.

May 21, 2018


High blood pressure is the number-one risk factor for death and disability worldwide. It puts strain on your heart, can damage sensitive blood vessels in the eyes and kidneys and can cause bleeding in the brain.

It is now widely accepted that increased blood pressure isn’t just a natural result of ageing, but rather it can remain stable throughout life, or even decrease after middle-age.

Commonly prescribed medication can reduce the risk of heart attack by 15% and the risk of stroke by about 25%. But in a recent study, three portions of whole grains a day were shown to help people achieve the same benefit without taking pills.

People who consumed a few spoonfuls of flaxseeds every day for six months lowered their blood pressure to a degree that could be expected to result in 46% fewer strokes and 29% fewer instances of heart disease over time. It is 2-3 times more effective at lowering blood pressure than exercise (not that you shouldn’t do both).

Sprinkle a spoonful over cereal, soups, salads and stews everyday.

May 4, 2018


The theory of raw eating is that cooking destroys enzymes and nutrients in food. In fact, some foods actually release more nutrients when they are cooked.

Therefore it is best to eat a good mix of both cooked and raw foods.

April 16, 2018


Filtering out the biggest caffeine-related myths:

  1. Caffeine doesn’t cause dehydration. It’s a mild diuretic and can make you need to urinate but the fluid content tends to offset the effects of losses.
  2. Caffeine isn’t bad for your health…in moderation. Sticking to 400mg a day has no lasting damage on the body.
  3. Caffeine does not aid weight loss. The only way to increase your metabolism is by building more muscle and exercising.
  4. Caffeine is not addictive. Like shopping or watching tv, it is habit-forming rather than addictive.
  5. Caffeine does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or raise cholesterol levels. You may notice a slight raise in blood pressure if you are sensitive to caffeine, though.
April 2, 2018


Juice and smoothies are seen as a good way to get a lot of nutrients in one go. However, when you juice a fruit, you remove the fibre.

Juices also have a lot of free sugars, which are high in calories.

You don’t need to ban juice, but just stick to the recommended daily intake of 150ml. Get the rest of your nutrients from whole fruit and veg.

March 19, 2018


  1. Go green
    Magnesium can improve how quickly you fall asleep. Up your intake with leafy greens, such as spinach.
  2. Picture the scene
    Visualising a relaxing place, such as a beach, has been shown to help insomniacs drop off 20 mins earlier than normal.
  3. Eat right
    Eating more fibre leads to better and deeper sleep, while meals high in saturated fat and sugar have the opposite effect.
  4. Be consistent
    Having a set time to go to bed and get up helps to regulate your body clock.
  5. Breathe easy
    Breathing exercises relax your mind and body making it easier to switch off.
  6. Take a tech break
    Looking at your phone or laptop before you go to sleep could be stopping you from falling asleep and affecting your sleep quality. The blue light from screens can interrupt your melatonin production, which helps control your sleep/wake cycles.
  7. Never exercise before bed
    Heavy workouts release adrenaline, elevate cortisol levels and raise body temperature – not good for sleep.
March 5, 2018


Ounce for ounce, fat has more calories than any other nutrient, so it has been long shunned by dieters. But we just need to know which fats to eat.

Try to eat sources of unsaturated fat, which don’t raise cholesterol – such as oily fish, avocados and nuts – and keep portions small.