Happy New Year! As our minds start to focus on the year ahead, many will be thinking about making fitness and lifestyle changes. If this has got you wondering what the next fitness trends will be for 2018, then take a look at my top 3. You can decide if you want to take any of them on!
2017 has been a huge year for boxing, and it is predicted that 2018 will follow suit.
Whether at home, in the gym, or in group fitness classes, there are going to be plenty more women learning to bob and weave and throw a one-two punch this year.
LIIT (Low Intensity Interval Training)
This is the calmer cousin of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). LIIT workouts will still burn the same calories, but will take an extra 30-40 minutes to complete.
It can be as easy as taking a walk and changing direction and speed every 5 minutes. While you still need to incorporate intervals, the intensity is not as brutal as a HIIT session.
Virtual Reality Workouts
Fitness games have left the scene and in their place are virtual reality workouts.
The Omni by Virtux is a 360º small treadmill that connects to a game and allows you to run, pivot, jump and crouch while wearing trainers that interact with sensors on the treadmill. However, this all sounds a little too futuristic for me!