October 24, 2016



Four out of five of us will suffer with back pain and it’s normally triggered by bad posture. Many of us are sitting at computers for up to eight hours, bending awkwardly, or lifting incorrectly. Here are some was that will help prevent and relieve mild back pain:

Strengthen your core muscles
Your core isn’t just your stomach, but back muscles too. Pilates exercises can help ensure these muscles are kept strong, protecting your spine. Also try gentle weights or aerobic exercise.

Be careful when lifting
Always bend at the knees without twisting, keep the weight close to your body and try not to over-stretch your back.

Sit up straight
This is very important if you’re working at a desk. Face the keyboard and screen, with forearms, wrists and thighs parallel with the floor and feet on the ground.

Take breaks from sitting down
Stand up and hug your body – right hand on left shoulder and left on right. Breathe in and out to stretch your back. Shrug shoulders and try torso twists in your chair to ease the spine.

If your pain is severe, see your doctor for advice.