July 25, 2016



Grapefruit helps you to lose weight
It was once believed that grapefruit contained fat-busting enzymes, but the truth is in it’s ability to reduce levels of the hormone insulin in our blood. This, in turn, causes us to feel less hungry and we are therefore more likely to eat fewer calories.

Spicy foods speed up your metabolism
Research has proven that eating spicy foods, such as chilli sauce and hot mustard, with your meal can increase your metabolism and therefore increase the number of calories you burn. This small metabolisim-boosting effect may be useful when losing weight, but only as part of an overall mix of weight-loss efforts. Strength training (i.e. lunges, squats and exercising your biceps and triceps) can increase your metabolism by 15%.

Missing meals helps you to shed pounds
Not true. When we miss a meal our bodies go into primitive survival mode and cleverly slow the rate at which we burn calories. Skipping a meal also makes you feel hungrier at the next one, so you’re more likely to eat more to compensate for the meal you did not have. Eat three balanced meals a day, plus healthy snacks in between, to keep your metabolism and appetite steady.

Separating proteins and carbohydrates makes you slimmer
Not so. Our bodies are perfectly capable of digesting the nutrients in a mixed meal. However, research shows that we naturally eat less when we eat just one type of food per meal, because we get bored so stop eating sooner. As a result, people who follow ‘food-combining’ diets where they separate protein from carbs often tend to lose weight successfully.