May 1, 2015


Wooden dolls with different postures


Good posture is probably the world’s simplest beauty secret. It makes you instantly look taller and slimmer. Your movements become easier and more graceful and your clothes hang better. Here’s a step by step guide to a perfect poise.

How to do it:

  • Look in a full-length mirror, from the front and the sides.
  • Firstly, observe and get to know your natural stance. Check if you have slipped into bad habits. Is your pelvis sticking out to far, causing your back to arch? Are you knock-kneed? Is one hip higher than the other? Are your shoulders rounded?
  • Correct any deviations so that when standing correctly your feet should be slightly apart, with toes pointing forward. Imagine pulling your body upwards, starting at your neck and pulling up through your chest to your waist and hips. Feel the gap between your shoulders and ears lengthening, and each vertebra spreading out from its neighbours.
  • Now focus on engaging your abdominal muscles. Pull your navel back towards your spine, whilst continuing to breath normally and tucking your bottom in.
  • Correct your posture every time you think of it. Soon your body will retrain and good posture will become automatic.