June 13, 2014



Chocolate: Savor one to three ounces of at least 70 percent cacao chocolate a day. Chocolate contains flavonoids called catechins, which seem to reduce insulin sensitivity and the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Erratic insulin levels and cortisol are powerful in their ability to pack on belly fat. Dark chocolate is also high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which fight inflammation. Fat cells, particularly those in visceral fat (the dangerous kind in the belly that can lead to diabetes and heart disease), churn out molecules that set inflammation in motion. It’s a vicious cycle, because inflammation leads to belly fat, and belly fat leads to more inflammation.

Dairy: Dairy contains the two highest-quality sources of protein – casein and whey. This, in combination with nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, aids in muscle preservation, appetite regulation and fat loss. What’s more, dairy fat contains conjugated linoleic acid, which has been shown to help reduce visceral fat.

Green Tea: Like chocolate, green tea is rich in catechins that appear to whittle your waist by prompting your body to burn more fat and calories, particularly in the period just after each meal. The average cup of brewed green tea contains 111 milligrams of catechins, so just two to three cups a day could be beneficial.

Blueberries: You’ve heard that these little guys are packed with a host of health-boosting properties. Now preliminary studies suggest they’re effective at combating belly at too. Blueberries are filled with manganese, which helps convert proteins, carbs, and fats to energy, and is the key to shedding abdominal fat. The high antioxidant content also works to reduce stress hormones and inflammation in the body.