Monthly Archives: March 2014

March 28, 2014



A dynamic warm-up is much more efficient at preparing your body for a workout, as well as preventing injury.

Dynamic stretching sends blood to your muscles without inhibiting their strength. It allows the muscle to stretch through its full range of motion without holding the stretch point too long.

Static stretches, which hold the stretch point for longer, promote relaxation. Try some dynamic stretches that replicate the movements you’ll be making in your workout. For example, think high-knee marches before a run.

March 21, 2014



Ask any of my clients and they will tell you that I’m constantly reminding them to ‘engage the core muscles’. But what does this really mean and why is it so important?

In order to contract your core muscles, you need to imagine that your belly button is being pulled back towards your spine. This can be a bit difficult to start with, but as you learn the correct technique and as your muscles become stronger, it will soon feel natural.

It is essential that you give your breathing some extra attention too. Efficient breathing helps activate your core and diaphragm, leading to energy flow through the body which affects both muscular endurance and pain tolerance.

By engaging or ‘activating’ your core muscles you allow yourself to be stronger at your weakest point. Engaging the core is fundamental in exercise as it allows your body force to be distributed more efficiently and can even allow you to do more reps and lift more weight.

So next time you exercise make sure you don’t forget to get those deep core muscles involved to get yourself out of the average and into the extraordinary.

March 14, 2014



Make sure you refuel the right way with these healthy snacks:

1. Chocolate milk
Make your own by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder with 250ml milk. Research shows this combination provides better recovery than sports drinks!

2. Tuna or cottage cheese sandwich
Make your sandwich using brown bread for a tasty, wholesome refueling snack.

3. Dried fruit and nuts
A handful of this delicious mix offers a good dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

March 7, 2014



There are many factors that could be impacting your runs – the wrong soundtrack, the cold weather, that extra muffin at lunch time – but form is without doubt the biggest culprit.

Follow these simple steps to check yourself and make sure you keep perfect form:

Posture – avoid slouching and stand tall throughout your run, keeping your gaze forward at all times.

Cadence – keep your cadence high, about 180 strides per minute, by running lightly.

Midfoot – avoid heel striking to reduce impact, and forefoot striking, which can strain the calf and Achilles.

Lean – adopt a slight forward lean from the ankles, keeping your core strong so that you don’t start to bend forward at the waist.