February 21, 2014



Not all carbohydrates are an enemy. It’s the refined carbs (like white bread, white sugar, and sweets) that you need to avoid.

They seem harmless, but they have been stripped of their macronutrient content and reduced to a simple sugar that your body quickly digests.

The result is, your blood sugar spikes, your body pumps out tons of insulin to get the sugar into your cells, your blood sugar plummets, you feel sleepy, and any sugar the insulin didn’t deal with gets converted into fat.

This access fat typically sits around your belly, which can lead to illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, help to maintain well-controlled blood sugar levels. Keeping you energized, slim, and healthy.

They are your body’s main source of fiber, giving you energy to keep you perky even during the grey days of winter.

The mood-boosting neurotransmitter serotonin comes from an amino acid called tryptophan, which is only able to enter the brain after digesting a healthy serving of carbs.

So for your waist’s (and your mood’s) sake, don’t give up all carbs!