Yearly Archives: 2014

December 29, 2014



Feeling stuffed after that Christmas feast?

If you seriously need to work on that belly bulge and want to get back into a healthy eating plan, then here are some simple slimming strategies to get you back on track.

1. You’ll need to eliminate all processed, packaged foods over the next four weeks to help kick-start your liver, the main channel of detoxification.

2. Make sure to eat at regular intervals. You should eat three meals plus two snacks, one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon to avoid blood sugar dips.

3. Avoid caffeinated and fizzy drinks. Swap tea and coffee for decaffeinated versions and sip on herbal teas including green tea, fennel tea and nettle. Increase your intake of water to a minimum of two litres a day. Liven up water by adding slices of cucumber or a squeeze of liver-boosting lemon.

4. Avoid eating meals in front of the computer or TV and try to concentrate on what you’re eating, taking a break in between bites.

5. Allow yourself one treat each week. Choose from a small glass of red wine, a small bar of dark or raw chocolate, lemon sorbet or a small pot of frozen yoghurt.

December 12, 2014



Above all, the practice of Pilates is widely known to carve a rock-solid core. But its benefits don’t stop there. Pilates will also help heal, strengthen and relax your body.

Here’s what the holistic practice has to offer:

1. Mental function
Pilates builds mental stamina and focus by requiring concentration on each repetition, exercise, and sequence.

2. Body awareness
Better body control and awareness enhances how you carry yourself and move every day.

3. Internal organs
Pilates promotes optimal performance by your interior organs and helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. Inner Harmony
Releasing endorphins naturally causes your mind and body to feel more positive.

5. Physical Fitness
Every area of physical fitness develops from flexibility to endurance.

6. Cross Training
Pilates is used by a variety of athletes to achieve their athletic pursuits.

7. Breathing
Improved breathing nourishes the body and increases oxygen levels in the blood. It also helps the body rid any existing toxins and promotes a healthier skin tone.

8. Relaxation
Tension release and relaxation is encouraged by a sense of calm and well-being experienced during Pilates.

9. Body shape
Muscle definition sculpts your waist and shoulders while toning your abs, arms, thighs, and bum.

10. Body alignment
Proper alignment decreases your injury risk and helps joints stay healthy as you age.

11. Pregnancy
Pilates offers soon to be mums a safe yet effective form of exercise.

Contact me for more information on how you could benefit from Pilates.

December 5, 2014


Final Artwork

If you’re not already a fully paid-up member of the kale fan club, its low-calorie, high-fibre and zero-fat profile should tempt you to get on board.

As well as being a great addition to any weight-loss plan, kale is ideal for digestion and will help keep your system moving as it contains around 5g fibre per 100g.

Kale is an excellent source of iron – and, in fact, it contains more iron than beef per serve! That’s important for anyone with anaemia or heavy periods, or just looking for more energy, as it helps to form haemoglobin, the molecules that carry iron within our red blood cells.

Kale is also high in calcium, giving milk a run for its money with fewer calories. If you’re dairy intolerant or vegan, this veg will give you a good dose of bone-strengthening calcium.

Vitamin K, which helps to protect against certain cancers, is also found in high quantities in kale, along with heaps of antioxidants. This all-important, but lesser known vitamin is needed for a whole host of bodily functions, including the health of your bones, preventing blood clotting and keeping cholesterol in check.

Kale can help fight inflammation as it contains omega-3 fatty acids, so make sure you’re eating kale regularly if you have an injury, arthritis or asthma, as it will help to reduce the effects and speed recovery.

Vitamins A and C are two more vitamins found in kale. Vitamin A is important for vision and vitamin C for your immune system, but both of them are brilliant skin vitamins so dose up to help keep wrinkles at bay.

And if all of this wasn’t enough, kale is also a great way to cleanse your body, containing both fibre and sulphur, which are involved in the detoxification process.

November 21, 2014



Forget stress eating—new research shows that crazy long to-do lists do more than encourage you to reach for that triple chic muffin. Try these simple stress busters to keep your metabolism up to speed.

Take a spin. Twirl around in a circle and say what’s bothering you out loud. You’ll feel silly and may even laugh. It’s hard to laugh and be stressed at the same time!

Get outdoors. When you go outside, you realise that you’re not the centre of the universe but just a part of it. So your problems don’t seem as big. To turn your stroll into a walking meditation, say ‘peace’ each time you take a step. Five minutes a day keeps stress at bay.

Give thanks. Keep a running appreciation list on your phone. Being thankful every day puts frustrations in perspective.

Deck out your desk. Place a photo of a loved one or some fresh flowers near your computer. It’ll remind you that your world is not simply about paperwork, computers and deadlines – there is more to life than your desk.

Cut the clutter. Straighten up your drawers or clean out the cupboards. Rifling through things takes up time and creates frustration. These are mindful things that bring order to your life.

Find a new hobby. New endeavours enrich our lives and give our minds a rest from our daily to-do list. How about taking a new art class, hiking, singing, or getting involved in a book club?

November 14, 2014



Everyone knows Yoga is a great stress buster. But it also packs serious perks for runners, like improving flexibility, easing aches and pains, and helping you recover from long runs and races faster.

The Downward-Facing Dog pose will help you to stay strong and balanced while you train.

Instructions: Start on hands and knees. Place your palms a handprint’s distance in front of your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and lift knees off floor.

Pull your hips up and back away from your hands. Keep knees bent and focus on lengthening your torso – press down into your hands, pull up on your arms – then shift your weight onto your legs.

Without losing that sense of direction or length in your torso, begin to lift thighs up as you reach your heels back and down, which will straighten your knees.

Engage your quads by pulling your kneecaps up. Hold for five to 10 breaths. Lightly lower both knees back to floor.

Benefits: Down Dog stretches the hamstrings and calves, and creates length in the spine.

November 7, 2014



This is one of the biggest controversies in fitness.

Will stretching help you get a better workout? Probably.

Does it matter how you do it? For the average person, probably not.

Research shows that long static stretches, in which you hold the area still for 60 to 90 seconds, can cause a decrease in force and power, but by only about 3-6%.

And if you hold the stretch for a shorter duration, there’s not much difference at all.

Regardless, according to a majority of studies, dynamic stretching – moving while you stretch – doesn’t negatively affect performance, therefore this form of stretching is recommended after a warm-up.

October 31, 2014



There are two opposite tactics here that can both work.

  • Plan A: Increase your intensity – add intervals to your cardio or intense strength circuits two or three times a week. This shoves your brain and muscles out of cruise control, and your body will start burning stored calories to do the activity.
  • Plan B: Take a day off. If you’re exercising too hard or too often, you may be overtraining, causing your body, which thinks it’s under attack, to shift into preservation mode and stockpile resources, especially fat.
October 24, 2014



Some studies show that early birds lose more pounds, whilst other research says that you perform better if you wait until muscles are warmer.

But science isn’t needed to explain the “stuff happens” principle: The later you plan your session, the higher the odds that something – work, fatigue, social events – will get in the way!

October 17, 2014



If you’re going all out, keep workouts separate, because whichever comes second will certainly suffer.

But if you can work out only a few days a week and want to max your calorie burn, pair them up and do cardio first.

A study found that running before lifting weights resulted in a slightly higher afterburn effect on your metabolism than lifting weights and then running does.

Alternatively, do a mash-up circuit of both strength exercises and cardio.

October 10, 2014



Clean eating is a deceptively simple concept. Rather than revolving around the idea of ingesting more or less of specific things (for instance, fewer calories or more protein), the idea is more about being mindful of the food’s pathway between its origin and your plate.

At its simplest, clean eating is about eating whole foods, or ‘real’ foods – those that are un- or minimally processed, refined, and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible.

However, modern food production has become so sophisticated that simply eating whole foods can be a challenging proposition these days.

Thanks to extensive research that has linked eating whole foods with good health, we do know that largely plant-based diets are healthy.

Multiple studies have shown that diets heavy on fruits and vegetables can curb or prevent certain life-threatening conditions and diseases, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Plus, there’s research linking diets high in fruits and veggies to healthy weight management and glowing skin and hair.

Cooking does alter your food, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While it’s true that some nutrients are lost during cooking, like vitamin C, other nutrients are increased when foods are cooked, like lycopene, so it’s best to eat a wide variety of foods, in both their raw and cooked forms.

When cooking food, the focus should be on maintaining the integrity of what you are consuming and avoiding high-fat cooking methods such as deep-frying or stewing in animal or vegetable fats.

When cooking, opt for flash-cook methods such as stir-frying and ones without additives like steaming. For fruits and veggies, raw is best, but steaming is a close second in terms of preserving nutritional value and keeping the food’s natural integrity.