November 1, 2013


Alarm clock on bed

Want to burn fat and keep the weight off for good? Read on…

Running on empty
Exercising in the morning, on an empty stomach, is a great way to shed fat.

Research shows that fasting (which is essentially what happens overnight as we sleep) leads to increased adrenalin and reduced insulin levels, creating an environment that is more conductive to the breakdown of fat for energy.

Heart attack
Alternating your exercises between upper and lower body results in an extra calorie burn because your cardiovascular system has to work harder.

Peripheral Heart Action training, as this is known, challenges the heart to keep pushing blood from one extreme to the other, in order to deliver oxygen to fuel the muscles.

A routine like this also allows you to move straight from one exercise to the next, as muscle groups get a chance to rest, so you can get your workout done quicker.

Don’t get isolated
Compound exercises require several muscle groups to work together in harmony, as opposed to moves that specifically target one muscle.

The beauty of these exercises is that they are more demanding and so will tone your muscles but at the same time burn more calories.