Monthly Archives: September 2013

September 20, 2013



Are you bored with your cardio workout? Are you already dreading the stair stepper workout that you have scheduled for tomorrow morning? When you’re in a rut, it’s easy to fall off the fitness wagon because motivation and excitement are gone.

So how do you get your aerobic mojo back? You shake things up! Here are a few super-simple ways:

1. Change Your Soundtrack.
Downloading new songs is a fast way to bust out of your cardio rut and get you happily moving. When you have your headphones on, no one else knows what tunes you’re playing, so play whatever you want! Studies have shown that music is motivating, but if you’re bored at the gym, it may be time to shake that playlist up.

2. Change Your Location.
If you’re a regular gym-goer, maybe it’s time for a change of scenery. Move your workout outdoors or create your own home gym. Even a new DVD or two can mix things up!

 3. Change Your Intensity.
Try a longer, less intense workout: If you can usually only set aside 10 to 20 minutes for exercise, make those minutes intense, switch it up by setting aside extra time to make your workout longer and less intense. By doing a longer, less intense workout, you’ll give yourself time to really enjoy the activity without rushing or trying to burn as many calories you can in a short amount of time. Pick an activity that you love—dancing, walking, hiking—and enjoy it!


Try a shorter, more intense workout: If you’re the type of exerciser who would rather walk for an hour than run for 5 minutes, then maybe it’s time for you to swap your low-intensity sweat sessions for shorter, more intense workouts. This is an especially good trick if you spend most of your mental energy watching the clock wishing your long workout was over.

September 13, 2013


The more you work out, the more hungry you’re going to feel. However, far too often people overcompensate for exercise and that’s one of the main reasons women don’t get the weight-loss results they anticipate. Try these strategies to outrun your hunger so you can finally cross your weight-loss finish line.

  1. Pack a Snack
    The most important window for refueling is also when you’re the least hungry. A common mistake women make is believing they can just wait for their next meal, so by the time they sit down, they’re starving. If you’ve worked up a sweat for an hour or more, have a little something within 30 minutes of finishing, even if you don’t feel like it. The ideal snack has carbs to refuel your energy stores and protein to help repair muscle tissue (150 to 200 calories) If you exercise for more than 90 minutes, you’ll need a more substantial snack (200-250-calories).
  2. Avoid a Reward Mentality
    Often, we feel that we’ve earned a treat or a big meal after a workout. The problem is that many women wind up taking in more calories than they burn. To avoid undoing all your hard work, stick with your normal fare and portions, then wait 10 or 15 minutes and help yourself to more if you’re still hungry. This will keep you from automatically supersizing your meals. Upgrade quality, not quantity: Treat yourself to fresh blueberries instead of your usual apple for an afternoon snack, or toast a slice of artisan whole-grain bread from the bakery instead of that supermarket loaf.
  3. Clutch a Water Bottle
    That empty-pit feeling in your belly may not be triggered by hunger. The signs of mild dehydration, such as low energy and sleepiness, can dupe your brain into craving food. And because these signals start before you’re even thirsty, it’s important to drink water early and often during your workout. Make sure you take regular sips one to two hours beforehand, during your workout (every 15 or 20 minutes), and drink up afterwards.
September 6, 2013


The final place in the list of surprising superfoods goes to the good-old beet. These colourful root vegetables contain powerful nutrient compounds help protect against many diseases.

Why?: Beets are rich in folic acid, which has been show to lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in blood linked to heart disease.
How to Enjoy: Roast beets to bring out their sweetness. Drizzle them with olive oil and place in a 375-degree oven for 30 minutes to an hour.