July 26, 2013



When sleep deprivation hits, it sends your hormones on a roller-coaster ride in search of sugar. For each 30 minutes of sleep lost a day, we eat, on average, an extra 83 calories.

The main 3 factors causing lack of sleep are caffeine, stress and alcohol. As well as reducing these, try the following foods to help you get a goodnights sleep.

  1. Eggs – provide tryptophan, which our bodies convert to serotonin, then store as the sleep chemical melatonin. Start your day with eggs to reap the benefits at night.
  2. Kiwi – research shows that participants who ate 2 kiwis and hour before bed saw an increase in average nightly kip and a boost in sleep quality.
  3. Cherry juice – juice from the Montmorency cherry is rich in melatonin. It can be hard to get hold of fresh cherries, but you can buy them dried or in juice or capsules.