Monthly Archives: May 2013

May 31, 2013



Not only does cinnamon smell great, this sweet spice is a real health and fat-loss superhero too.

It has great effect on blood sugar. It slows the rate your stomach empties after you eat, meaning it can curb your appetite and help you avoid insulin spikes that lead to fat storage.

Cinnamon can also help boost your brain-power. Even simply smelling the spice has been proven to enhance multiple areas of brain function, from memory to visual-motor speed.

Increase your cinnamon intake by adding it to your coffee, making a sweet-tasting muesli or cooking it up in a stew.

May 28, 2013



Protein could be the key to a stronger and slimmer body.

Not only is protein great for weight loss, it also helps you to build and repair muscles, making it the ideal workout buddy.

Due to the fact that protein takes longer to leave the stomach, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps keep your blood sugar steady.

Protein is essential for making bones, cartilage, enzymes and hormones. The latter of which is especially important for women, as our hormone balance controls everything from fertility to moods.

Make sure you eat the correct amount for your activity level, as too much will put extra pressure on your organs. As a guide, active women need between 70g-140g of protein a day.

The best sources of protein are:

  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Poultry
  • Red meat
  • Pulses
  • Cheese
May 23, 2013


I can’t stress enough the benefits that exercise has on the body, soul and mind. It is clear from endless research that exercise has a great effect on us in many ways.

I have chosen three particular benefits that are noticeable in day-to-day life, that I hope will motivate you to step up your activity level.

  1. Sharpens the mind
    Aerobic activity can keep your brain agile as you age, improving key areas such as decision-making and focus.
  2. Boosts your mood
    Exercise can make you happier, plus lifting light weights may help women overcome anxiety and irritability.
  3. Starves off hunger
    A morning workout will help you resist cravings throughout the day.
May 20, 2013


Exercise is guaranteed to boost your energy levels, whatever your mood.

Research shows that just a brief workout can provide you with an instant pick-me-up when your mood is low.

It works on a cellular level: exercise fires up your mitrochondria – the energy-producing component of your cells – and sends oxygen around your body to meet the demands of your activity, keeping you on a high even after your workout.

Include a workout into your routine to leave you feeling more fresh and ready for the day.

May 16, 2013



I know I’m always going on about this super-fruit, but bananas really do make an ideal snack before your workout.

Not only are they loaded with digestible carbohydrates, to fuel your body, they are also packed with potassium and magnesium, which aid in maintaining nerve and muscle function.

Have a banana with 2tbs of Greek yoghurt 30mins to 1 hour before you exercise. It will prevent low blood sugar, which leads to light-headedness and fatigue.

This combination will also fuel your body with both the carbohydrates and protein needed to maximise your workout and performance.

And what’s better they’re cheap to buy, so you don’t have to break the bank! Another reason why I will continue to sing this fruit’s praises.

May 13, 2013



Did you know that a simple jog could inspire you?

Research has shown that aerobic exercise can help to boost your creativity and keeps it firing for up to two hours after too.

So, if you’re in need of a light-bulb moment, put on those trainers and get out there!

May 9, 2013


You may think you’re saving time, but you’re actually just compromising the first 5 to 10 minutes of your workout.

Your body needs to warm up so that blood flow increases, the nervous system wakes up, and the body starts to use energy and oxygen more efficiently.

This helps every step feel less of a slog, and calorie burn kicks into high gear.

The best warm-up is to do your chosen exercise at a low intensity. Runners, for example, should walk, then jog.

Alternately, you can try ‘dynamic’ stretches, which are moves that take your body through the range of motions you’re about to do. For a runner, that can mean high knees, butt kicks, and forward, reverse, and side lunges.

Avoid static stretching, where you’re holding poses for several counts. That actually calms the system down and can impair performance.

May 6, 2013


Banana on white background

Until recently, it was believed that exercising on an empty stomach will burn more fat.

However, it is now recommended that having a 150-calorie jump-start meal an hour or two before your workout is more effective for weight loss.

The latest research in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that exercisers who ate breakfast before going on the treadmill for 36 minutes had a significantly higher fat-burning rate for as long as 24 hours compared with those who ate post-workout, even though both groups consumed the same number of calories during the day.

In addition, a recent report in the Strength and Conditioning Journal concluded that when you start off with an empty tummy, there’s no fat-burn advantage. You won’t be able to go as intensely or burn as many calories, and you’ll also lose more muscle.

Nosh on a banana and a half cup of plain low-fat yoghurt before your next workout and see the difference.

May 2, 2013



Cellulite is the number one beauty concern for most women. It occurs when pockets of fat are trapped in the layer of connective tissue under the skin, causing a dimpled effect on the thighs, buttocks and tummy. A common myth is that cellulite is linked to obesity, but lean women can have it too.

Cellulite is a skin cellular problem and poor nutrition, lack of exercise and dehydration can exacerbate the problem. Try adding foods rich in lecithin, essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants to your diet to encourage skin cells to squeeze out excess fluid and increase circulation.

Fill your trolley with lecithin-rich eggs, peanut butter, spinach and tomatoes; essential fatty acids in the form of flaxseed, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and oily fish, and amino-acid-rich berries and citrus fruits.

Reduce or cut out tea, coffee, alcohol, fried food and junk as these contribute to our toxic load. It might be the most over-emphasised beauty must, but drinking plenty of water helps flush away toxins that build up in our cells.

Including static or dynamic exercises into your fitness routine – such as squats, lunges, gluteus bridges and plié squats – can also help to reduce cellulite by stimulating blood flow.

Try these top tips and wave goodbye to cellulite.