Monthly Archives: April 2013

April 29, 2013



Increasing your exercise levels to help you shape up before your special day is fantastic, but it really is only half the story. In order to look healthy on the outside, as well as feel healthy on the inside, you need to feed your body with the nutrients it requires.

To help maintain a lower weight and boost your energy levels, make sure you include these top five superfoods into your pre-wedding diet. These will help to ensure your body is getting what it needs in preparation for the big day.

  1. Spinach
    Low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This super-slimmer helps boost liver detoxification. It cleanses your body of unwanted toxins, which is critical for weight loss.
  2. Yoghurt
    Natural yoghurt is a great source of probiotics, which help keep belly fat at bay. It is also high in protein, which is proven to keep you fuller for longer.
  3. Salmon
    This oily fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body burn fat at a faster rate. An increased intake of these ‘good’ oils will also lubricate the skin from the inside to give you a radiant glow.
  4. Lentils
    Not only are lentils a great protein-based meat alternative, they’re packed with weight-loss boosting fibre. And what’s more, they also help regulate blood sugar levels and boost energy.
  5. Green Tea
    OK, strictly speaking it’s not a food, but green tea is well known for its super-powered fat-burning qualities. Crammed full with antioxidants it’s great news for the tummy. It can also help to lift your mood with just enough caffeine to give you a buzz.
April 25, 2013



Good posture is probably the world’s simplest beauty secret. It makes you instantly look taller and slimmer. Just think of the elegance that ballet dancers embody.

Your movements become easier and more graceful and your clothes hang better. You take in more oxygen, improving your skin and creating a wealth of new energy.

The perfect poise will help you look and feel more alive. Postural alignment is a vital part of any professional exercise programme and is targeted through specific exercises which help strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight areas.

In the short-term, you can make improvements to minor deviations by following these simple steps:

Standing Tall

  • Look in a full-length mirror, from the front and the sides.
  • Firstly, observe and get to know your natural stance. Check if you have slipped into bad habits. Is your pelvis sticking out to far, causing your back to arch? Are you knock-kneed? Is one hip higher than the other? Are your shoulders rounded?
  • Correct any deviations so that when standing correctly your feet should be slightly apart, with toes pointing forward. Imagine pulling your body upwards, starting at your neck and pulling up through your chest to your waist and hips. Feel the gap between your shoulders and ears lengthening, and each vertebra spreading out from its neighbours.
  • Now focus on engaging your abdominal muscles. Pull your navel back towards your spine, whilst continuing to breath normally and tucking your bottom in.
  • Correct your posture every time you think of it. Soon your body will retrain and good posture will become automatic.
April 22, 2013



Are the sound of wedding bells getting ever closer? If so, let me first of all congratulate you and your partner on the start of a wonderful journey together.

If you have just got engaged and you are worried about your current weight or body shape, don’t despair…

It’s never too early (or late) to start getting into shape, so my advice is to target any problem areas straight away. No matter what shape or size we are, there will always be certain parts that we want to tone up, flatten out and pull in!

It’s all too easy to get carried away, but be realistic about your goals. Unless you’re heavily overweight, don’t aim to lose more than two dress sizes. The last thing you want to do is set yourself up to fail and feel bad when you should be celebrating.

Forget crash dieting, as this will leave you weak, stressed-out and irritable. Instead, plan ahead and follow a healthy eating plan. This will help you lose any extra weight, with the bonus of getting better skin, hair and nails.

The best way to get into shape is through fat-burning aerobic exercise. Strengthening your muscles will build shapelier curves and increase your body’s ability to burn fat. This type of exercise, along with a healthy diet will give you great results, ensuring you look your best on your big day.

For information on the Wedding Packages I offer please click here.

Remember it’s your special day and you deserve to look and feel your best.

April 18, 2013


Last month I wrote a blog highlighting the link between fizzy drinks and increased risk of strokes in women.

This month I am the bearer of yet more bad news for these soft drinks. According to new research in America, downing 4 cans of diet fizzy drinks can raise the risk of depression by 30%.

So lighten your mood and find an alternative natural high with a cup of the super-drink that is green tea.

April 15, 2013


The average gym-goer pays a hefty £20-£25 per session due to the infrequent use of their membership!

If you need some motivation to kick-start your exercise regime, I may be just the person you need.

I will help you to focus on realistic and achievable goals, giving you support and advice on the best way to train.

So, rather than wasting money on a gym membership that never sees the light of day, why not invest in a Personal Trainer that will have you seeing phenomenal results.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact me.

April 12, 2013



A. To begin with, cutting out carbohydrates will help you to shed the pounds, but you’ll be losing water rather than fat and as soon as you start eating carbs again, the weight will pile back on.

Cutting out any food group is never a good idea, so opt for better sources of carbs, such as vegetables, lentils, beans and pulses. They’ll keep you feeling fuller for longer, so you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

April 3, 2013


Do you ever feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day? I’m sure most would agree that it’s a constant struggle trying to split yourself between the daily demands of family, work, friends etc.

So how do you find time for yourself and, more importantly, time to exercise? Well, here’s a few suggestions that may help you:

1. Turn your commute into a workout
Why not try running or cycling to work? Or, if this sounds too hard-core, try getting off the bus or train a few stops earlier, or park the car further away to extend your walking time.

2. Try a lunchtime workout
Make use of your precious 60 minutes by hitting the gym or going for a walk. Not only will it keep your waistline in check, you’re also proven to be more productive during the day by logging off for an hour than you would be by eating lunch at your desk.

3. Involve the kids
Got a young brood? Involve them in your exercise routine by going out for adventurous park trails or playing a team game in the park such as rounders. If the weather doesn’t allow for outdoor activity, why not go swimming? Not only is this great exercise for the whole family, the kids will love splashing around too!

4. No more ‘Couch Potato’
Just because you’re catching up on the soaps doesn’t mean you can’t do some push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, and squats at the same time. Clear up some space between the sofa and the TV so you can perform the exercises safely, as well as making sure you don’t miss anything while breaking a sweat!

5. Power up your stair climbs
Instead of walking leisurely up a flight of stairs, gradually increase your speed and the number of stairs you take. For instance, take two steps at once – if you’re able to do it safely – and you’ll target your buttocks even more.