Monthly Archives: March 2013

March 26, 2013



In the run up to Easter, I thought it would be fitting to share a fact or two on eggs and their nutritional value. So here it is!

Eggs contain more selenium and vitamin D and fewer calories than they did 30 years ago, thanks to better feed for hens.

They’re also a great source of high-quality protein and essential amino acids.

And despite what most dieters think, don’t throw away the yolk ­– it’s where all the nutrients are.


March 20, 2013



Today is officially the start of spring and, after a long and cold winter (which seems stubborn to make its exit), most of us will be in need of a boost to our immune system.

Almost every nutrition plan recommends eating more dark, green leafy veg as it’s jam-packed with a host of vitamins and minerals.

Green veg is a particularly rich source of magnesium, which is important for energy production, regulating sleep and stress-hormone production, and reducing PMS, among other things.

So make sure you top up on your greens by including as many varieties as you can – broccoli, spinach, cabbage, green beans etc – and you will reap the natural benefits of these humble vegetables.

March 13, 2013


Many of us automatically count the calories that we consume in order to help lose weight. However, although calorie intake does of course effect our weight management, along with calorie expenditure (i.e. exercise), it is not the key factor in long-term weight loss.

If your body doesn’t get the building blocks of nutrients it requires for good health, weight loss is more difficult as your body reacts by holding onto what it can get. Also, calories from good fats and protein help to turn off hunger signals to the brain, keeping you fuller for longer.

Many of the people I speak to tell me that they struggle with knowing how much of any food equates to one portion. Being armed with this information can really benefit any weight management programme. As a general rule, carbs should be the size of a fist and protein the size of your palm, while veg should fill the other half of your plate.

For more information on portion sizes and planning meals, check out the Love Food Hate Waste website.

March 7, 2013



It may be shocking to hear that according to a new study, having just one fizzy drink a day raises women’s risk of a stroke by a huge 80%!

Researchers at Osaka University found both regular and low calorie soft drinks raise the chances of an ischaemic stroke – a life-threatening condition.

Try sipping on ginseng or green tea for a natural high instead.

March 4, 2013



Ohyo’s new collapsible water bottle is a perfect little space-saver for any handbag. The clever compact design extends to hold 500ml of water and then squishes down when it’s empty.

Visit Ohyo’s website ( for more information or pop into your local M&S (prices from £4.99).

March 1, 2013



A flabby mid-section is notoriously hard to shape up, and it often comes down to stress. Even if you eat well and exercise, leading a stressful lifelstyle can stop you losing inches.

When the body is under long-term physical stress, levels of the hormone cortisol shoot up, which can cause your body to hold onto fat around the waistline.

Cortisol effects appetite, causing you to crave sugary, high fat foods. These foods stimulate the brain to release neurotransmitters such as serotin and dopamine which, although soothe stress, are bad news for your body.

To counter the effects of cortisol, get yourself some consistent, solid sleep (ideally seven to nine hours a night) to allow your body to relax and recuperate.

You can also try stress-soothing foods such as oily fish, which helps regulate cortisol, or turkey, which boosts serotonin.

And, if that isn’t enough to make you want to chill-out and put your feet up, a recent study by Columbia University Medical Centre found the effects of stress are as damaging to your heart as smoking five cigarettes a day!