Monthly Archives: February 2013

February 27, 2013



It seems Popeye was on to a winner with his diet of spinach, as this super vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients.

Just 125g of fresh spinach will provide you with more than 20 nutrients, including more than your recommended daily allowance of vitamins K and A, almost all your daily requirements of folate and around 40% of your daily magnesium needs. Even better you get all this for around just 30 calories.

There are many benefits of these rich green leaves, but the most interesting from my point of view, is the fact that spinach is a super workout food.

Research has shown that spinach may help reduce oxidative stress caused by regular exercise and protect against muscle damage.

It may also make the body more efficient, as it contains a compound called nitrate, which has been shown to boost the mitochondria (the microscopic part of cells that generates most of your energy), meaning your body will need less oxygen when exercising.

So let’s take a leaf out of Popeye’s book and top up on spinach. However, rather than canned, why not try using it in a salad, lightly cooked or even in a juice!

February 20, 2013


I could write a long list of all the benefits exercise gives us, but one that is maybe most overlooked, yet probably relates to 99% of us, is it’s ability to relieve stress.

Physical activity helps to use up the excess energy produced by the stress response. In fight-or-flight mode, the body is ready for intense physical activity.

By exercising, the stress response runs its course, and the body returns to a physiological normal.

Even if you don’t feel like exercising, push yourself to do something, however light. It will do wonders for your mental state and help to make you feel much more positive.

TOP TIP: Work out with a friend or partner. It’s a great way to get healthy, whilst have fun too!

February 12, 2013



There are many people writing blogs and offering advice on specific diets and exercises, but something I realised recently is that many fail to advise on the most important aspect, which is how to initiate an exercise routine.

Therefore I have decided to write a simple step-by-step guide on how to approach the subject and where to begin.

Step 1
As already mentioned there are so many different ways of keeping fit. You are more likely to keep to your new exercise programme if you enjoy it.

Therefore you need to find your ‘fitness personality’ by working out which type of exercise will suit you best. Are you a morning or evening person? An outdoor or indoor person?

Step 2
Next you need to think about making time for exercise. If you find it hard to set aside a full hour each time, a session at the gym is probably not suitable for you.

Activities such as walking or cycling may fit into your routine easier.

Step 3
Once you have decided on the type of activity and the best time to fit it in, you are now ready to commit to it. This means making the first physical steps to partaking in exercise.

However, in the early days you should start off slow. Not only is this advisable for health reasons, but also many forget that you need to mentally prepare and adapt to any changes to routine.

Step 4
Now that you are going ahead with your exercise programme, the most crucial point to remember is to set yourself realistic goals.

Your motivation will be led by your objectives, but set the bar too high and you could end up being disappointed and ultimately demotivated or even put off completely.

Think about what your end goal is and then plan how you are going to get there. Break your long-term goal into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Step 5
Lastly, once you have all this in place, ENJOY it! And remember, is true when people say fitness is for life.

February 3, 2013


If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you could benefit from having a Personal Trainer to help you with your exercise programme:

1. I want to lose more body fat and tone up my muscles more than I have been.
2. I want to improve my diet and nutrition.
3. I want to get as much out of my workouts as I possibly can and not just ‘go through the motions’.
4. I want more motivation and be more consistent in my workouts.
5. I want to have more energy, endurance and enthusiasm.
6. I want to look better and feel better.