
The HOME WORKOUTS: TOTAL CORE exercise guide will help build strength and tone of all core muscles, as well as achieve overall balance in the body. A convenient way to exercise in the privacy of your own home.

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The HOME WORKOUTS: TOTAL CORE exercise guide has been specifically designed by me, a fully qualified Personal Trainer with nearly 10 years experience, to provide easy-to-follow exercises that can be completed with little or no equipment.

Many other core workouts may promise you a ‘six-pack’ and ‘ripped abs’, but by targeting all muscles of the core – including the obliquus externus (sides) and the erector spinae (back) – not only will this guide help you to build strength and tone of the abdominal muscles, you’ll also achieve overall balance in the body.

The pdf e-book includes:

  • a step-by-step guide explaining how to perform each exercise (6 in total);
  • modifications to make the exercise easier and progressions to make the exercise more challenging (where applicable);
  • useful tips to ensure good form & technique;
  • 3 programmes (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced) to cater for all fitness levels.


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